Ask Dr. Maxwell

How to Treat Fibromyalgia Naturally

by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell

Fibromyalgia or “fibro” as some call it, can make everyday life miserable. The severe pain, body aches, and sleeplessness can be enough to drive you insane. What’s worse is the way some allopathic physicians treat patients with the condition. It’s not easy to not be taken seriously when you’re already in severe pain.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread soft-tissue pain, weakness, and fatigue. Fibromyalgia, called “fibro” for short by some who have it, has been referred to as both an autoimmune disorder and a chronic pain condition. Since the cause of these muscle aches and severe pain can be difficult to pinpoint, conventional doctors either do not believe the disease exists or downplay its symptoms.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary from person to person but the most common symptoms include:

Since fibromyalgia can mimic other autoimmune diseases such as Lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome, doctors may find it difficult to diagnose. However, fibromyalgia has some specific symptoms associated with it.

These include:

Clinical Diagnoses of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia can be very difficult for conventional doctors to diagnose. Some physicians even discourage their patients from hope for a relief from severe pain when they tell them it’s “all in their head” or there is little that they can do to stop it. It’s no wonder frustrated patients turn to natural alternatives.

However, this isn’t to say all medical doctors will just shake their head at you and tell you there’s no help in sight. Advances in medicine and understanding of the disorder have given conventional health practitioners a diagnostic criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia.

This criteria includes:

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The causes of fibromyalgia are often debated among medical professionals. Here are the most common believed causes for this sometimes debilitating disorder:

A common factor in the development of fibromyalgia is physical trauma. According to clinical research, the development of fibromyalgia increased 10-fold in Israeli patients with a neck injury. Although this particular study still cites a mental component to the development of fibromyalgia, it advances the understanding of physical causes of fibromyalgia.

Car accidents, work injuries, sports injuries, and surgical trauma are the most common contributors to this chronic pain syndrome with whiplash being prevalent.

Food sensitivities such as gluten intolerance are another common factor in the development of fibromyalgia. In a person with undiagnosed gluten intolerance, the body is unable to properly digest the food and absorb nutrients into the body. This can lead to chronic inflammation, which later develops into severe pain throughout the body.

Another cause of these muscle aches has to do with a digestive condition called “leaky gut syndrome”. In a patient with leaky gut syndrome, the lining of the intestines are more porous than they should be allowing tiny food particles to enter the bloodstream. These food particles cause an allergic reaction in the system, leading to chronic inflammation and pain. Food sensitivities, chronic use of NSAID pain relievers, and antibiotic use are the most common causes of this syndrome.

Environmental allergies are a commonly overlooked source of fibromyalgia. Think about what’s in your home. Did you recently have a new floor installed or a purchase a new mattress? What about paint or air fresheners? Environmental allergies go way beyond hay fever.

A large portion of the population has no idea how dangerous household chemicals can be. Flooring, carpeting, and cleaning products contain hormone disruptors and neurotoxins that can rewire the way the brain and body works, leading to the development of fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disease.

How to Diagnose Fibromyalgia at Home

In order to really get to the bottom of your fibro symptoms, it’s important to understand if there are any food, environmental or chemical causes of your symptoms. Understanding what your body is sensitive to is the first step in relieving severe pain and discomfort.

For patients who want the most comprehensive analysis of how their body responds to their environment, I recommend ALCAT Comprehensive Wellness Kit from Direct Labs. This test identifies delayed sensitivities to 200 foods, 10 food additives, 10 food colorings, 10 environmental chemicals, and 20 molds. Delayed sensitivities are responsible for many symptoms and this test helps you take the guess work out of what you may be sensitive to.

How to Treat Fibromyalgia Naturally

Some conventional physicians will offer you painkillers for your body aches and advocate rest as a treatment option. While this may ease your severe pain, it may lead to side effects such as dependence, listlessness, and nausea. There are plenty of ways to treat fibromyalgia naturally so you can decrease or eliminate your dependence on pain killers.

1) Diet

Diet plays an incredible role in your health and that goes triple if you suffer from any type of autoimmune or rheumatic condition. In this case, your primary medicine should be your food. This means eating plenty of organic vegetables, fruits, lean poultry, wild-caught fish, and whole, gluten-free grains.

Top anti-inflammatory foods for people with fibromyalgia can include:

2) Exercise

When you’re in severe pain, the last thing you want to think about is exercise. However, there are some gentle stretching and strengthening exercises that can help you work on those muscle aches.

3) Supplements

There are supplements that people with chronic pain and inflammation can benefit from.

Here are some supplements I recommend to my patients:

These ingredients include:

Since digestive problems are a common complaint of people with fibromyalgia, it’s important your body receives optimum nutrition. My product line contains a multivitamin I recommend to patients dealing with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. It’s called Diamond Nutritional’s Foundation Vitamin Formula.

Living with the body aches of fibromyalgia can be difficult but there is hope. Changing your diet, getting some exercise, and taking essential supplements can help you get back on the path to health and wellness!