Ask Dr. Maxwell

Work Breaks Can Boost Your Health

We’ve all had stressful days at work and we’ve all enjoyed the keen moment of refreshment gained by taking a short break in the middle of one of those days. But did you know that work breaks can not only boost your productivity but also enhance your healthy lifestyle? According to a research study by Baylor University, taking work breaks can result in higher job satisfaction, less burnout, and better health.

Unlike your laptop or cell phone, people need to recharge frequently. In fact, as reported in The Huffington Post, recent research has shown that if you take a short break every hour, you will perform better on the task at hand than those who just grind away hour after hour.

In addition to refilling your creative wellness and increasing your efficiency at work, taking a break is also a great opportunity to give your health goals a boost.


6 Ways to Boost Your Health on a Break






So make the most of every moment in your day. Even when you’re busy it’s possible to nurture your health. And it will even make you more productive, leading to more free time!

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