How To Treat Laryngospasm Naturally

Hard to Swallow

An unusual disorder, laryngospasm (luh-RING-go-spaz-um), is often difficult to diagnose. This disorder occurs when the vocal cords spasm and make it difficult to speak or breathe. This may be alarming, but it is not life-threatening and generally only lasts less than a minute. When happening, it will seem like the longest minute of your life. It is not the same as a mechanical obstruction, such as food or a foreign object blocking the airway.

It is usually triggered randomly by food, or even liquids, touching the vocal cords when swallowing. It can also be caused by GERD, and can happen while sleeping if acid refluxes into the upper esophagus. Please take a few moments to view this video of a laryngospasm in progress:


What Causes Laryngospasm?

Vocal cords are located in the upper part of the airway. This area is called the voice box or larnyx. There can be many different causes of a vocal cord spasm and certain conditions or factors can be triggers. It is not caused by food or a foreign body lodged in the throat.

Factors or Triggers

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a condition when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. This can cause extreme discomfort and heartburn symptoms.
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux- which is when the stomach acid backs up into the throat or nasal passages.
  • Anxiety or Stress
  • Swallowed food or liquid touching the vocal cords.
  • Intubation in the operating room
  • Post-nasal drip

When the vocal cords spasm, it can become very difficult to breathe. Those symptoms are similar to other conditions such as asthma, exercise-induced asthma, and some other vocal cord disruptions. If the diagnosis of laryngospasm is unclear, it is important to check the condition out more thoroughly to eliminate the possibility for the common disorders with similar symptoms.

Symptoms can occur in the daytime or the middle of the night. During an episode, the individual is unable to breathe or speak, and is able to only make the sounds you hear on the video. This can be mistaken for something lodged in the airway. If occurring during the evening, the person may suddenly awaken feeling as though they are being suffocated.

Symptoms to Look Out For

  • Sudden abrupt onset
  • coughing/gasping
  • suprasternal, supracostal retractions in infants/young children
  • nasal flaring in infants and young children
  • difficulty swallowing or clearing the throat
  • GERD symptoms

Laryngospasm occurs as a result of something coming into contact with the vocal cords, whether reflux up from the stomach or down from swallowing or even procedures such as intubation. When patients need surgery, they may go under general anesthesia and need to be intubated. During intubation, the anesthesiologist passes an endotrachial tube between the vocal cords to breathe for the patient. This procedure can cause the vocal cords to spasm simply by touching them, or the area around them. Here’s a training video for nurse anesthetists:

Patients who have been intubated while having laryngospasm would not know after they woke up, other than wondering about “the worst sore throat I have ever had.”


Treatment of Laryngospasm

There is no effective prescription medication for treatment of larynogspasm to relax the vocal cords. If GERD is a trigger, it must be treated. Individuals may experience multiple episodes of spasm at one time and it can be extremely frightening. Adjusting the positioning of the body may be a good way to help the larynx relax and speed recovery during an episode.

Techniques for Relief

  • Sitting down and trying to relax the entire body
  • Sitting and tilting head back in adult patients


The Best Treatment Is Prevention

In my opinion, laryngospasm is a “charley horse” of the vocal cords. Just as we can get spasms in any muscle, I feel some of us are predisposed to getting muscle spasms in our throat. Why certain muscles seem to have “hair-triggers” and are prone to spasming more than others is unknown, but in my experience they all have one thing in common: magnesium deficiency. About 80-85% of the US population is deficient in magnesium. Regular lab testing will often show it be normal, as only 1% is located in blood serum. The other 99% is in cells, and can only be measured through specialized white or red blood cell testing. The deficiency is at the cellular level, not at the blood serum level. Ask your doctor for a red blood cell magnesium test. Most labs perform this test. I include this test on all patient blood profiles.

While GERD or food/liquids touching the vocal cord area many be a trigger, in my opinion the underlying cause is almost always related to magnesium deficiency. Treating GERD can sometimes lead to more deficiencies in magnesium. Medication such as Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium, (commonly used for acid reflux) stop or reduce the production of stomach acid, but without the necessary stomach acid, magnesium is further depleted.

Magnesium also helps with the stimulation of GI muscles and can help to stimulate movement in the GI tract, often helping GERD as well.


The Best Supplement To Increase Your Magnesium Levels

By supplementing professional-grade chelated magnesium, it can eliminate the possibility of laryngospasm episodes. The dose and form of magnesium are very important. There are many magnesium products on the market choose from, and many are not well absorbed or cause GI side effects.

Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium provides three unique forms of highly-absorbed magnesium to ensure maximum absorption of this important macromineral. Most magnesium supplements use only a single-source of magnesium, which can easily overwhelm a single pathway of absorption, and limit uptake of healthy magnesium regimens. Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium takes advantage of three unique pathways of absorption by providing magnesium as 1.) di-magnesium malate, 2.) magnesium citrate, and 3.) magnesium glycinate for enhanced absorption and improved utilization. Some individuals, who take other forms of magnesium supplements, often experience GI side effects, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or a combination of these symptoms. The forms of magnesium used in this product preserve GI comfort while maximizing absorption and restoring magnesium levels in the body.

So, for a number of very important reasons, I recommend Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium, two twice a day for adults. This dose is 470 mg. daily. My target range of supplemental magnesium for most adult patients is 400-600 mg. daily.

I also recommend taking a daily dose of Diamond Nutritionals’ Foundation Vitamin Formula for general health, and as a way to keep yourself from becoming vitamin or mineral deficient. Foundation Vitamin Formula contains the proper balance/ratios of vitamins and minerals needed for optimal function.

All Diamond Nutritionals products are professional-grade formulations, and are made in America from the purest ingredients.

And when you get rid of your laryngospasms, you’ll be happy and feel like celebrating!

Photo credit: petitefox / CC BY-ND 2.0


  1. big thank you to you guys really help full
    one other thing that’s worth mentioning is that I learned that by being in more dry(!) environment it went worse (for me when i experienced it)
    then it got better when changed that

  2. Wow, it sure does feel like your going to die. Had an episode earlier, reaction to vinegar. Thank for the info very helpful.

    • Hello MG,
      Yes, it is very scary. Sometimes strong things like pepper, hot peppers, and vinegar
      can trigger it.
      In my experience with patients, raising magnesium levels make it much more difficult for the muscles in
      the throat to go into spasm.
      I am glad you are OK.
      Dr. Maxwell

    • I suffer of larynxspasm it is soooo
      scary and think we will die.
      I have good news for you, I always have with me in my purse or night table an straw with small opening similar to the ones for coffee. The moment that the spasm start I put it in my mouth, I close my lips and breath. Believe me it works, the spasm stop. There are some red plastic straws for coffee those are great if it is too long cut it in half and use it. Is a miracle because through that small opening you get the necessary air to breath through the small opening in your throat.
      Please try it and you will not live in fear any longer.
      God Bless you all

      • Hello Norma,

        Thank you for your suggestion. These sound wise to have on hand in case of laryngospasm.

        In my experience, it is better to eliminate laryngospasms with Triple Chelated Magnesium as so many have around the world.
        This unique product formulation addresses the root cause in so many patients suffering with laryngospasm.

        I wish you the best of health!

        Warmest regards,

        Dr. Maxwell

  3. When I exercise my head gets dizzy then my throat will tighten up. I swear I am dying and sufficating. Many days I have constant throat pain with no relief ever in sight. No drs in houston know what this is.

    • Hi Mr. Cassidy,
      Please be sure to have your doctor check your heart ASAP. Sometimes, symptoms such as you are
      describing can be due to heart or lung problems.
      Your symptoms do not sound like laryngospasm.
      Dr. Maxwell

  4. My 10 year old granddaughter is having the symptoms of laryngospasm. She has one almost every night shortly after going to sleep. Can she take magnesium & if so how much?

    • Hello EGP,
      I am sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I understand how alarming and frustrating this is for all involved.
      Young patients can take chelated magnesium quite well, but I feel that
      her nocturnal symptoms need to be evaluated by her doctor to be sure
      they are not due to something else, such as infection or reflux.
      Please keep me updated through our Q & A forum on our opening page. Once any other possible causes of her symptoms are
      ruled out, I will be able to make a suggestion regarding supplementation.

      Dr. Maxwell

  5. I have had this for quite a while and thought it was something caused by my COPD, yet I knew it happened or was triggered if I ate something very spicy (hot seasoning) or got extremely hot. And believe me, it will scare you to death! Unfortunately I go through the gagging and coughing, and literally can let air out but get none in. The hardest part is to make yourself not panic, and then it can ease up. The after effect lasts a pretty good while for me, though. I had one last night while watching the football game, and for the first time ever, it lasted about 15 minutes, with me gagging into the garbage and I couldn’t stop the gagging. Afterwards, I was very weak and then developed a headache. About an hour later I went to bed and slept for 12 hours! And today my throat is extremely sore. I have been just barely sipping my coffee because it seems it wants to do it again. Read this webpage because I wanted to know if some way this could be prevented from happening, or stopped while it is happened. Thank you! Am sorry EGP’s granddaughter is experiencing this; bad enough for an adult much less a child.

    • Hello Betty,

      I am sorry to hear about your symptoms. It certainly sounds as if you have problems with laryngospasm.
      I understand how frightening this is for you.
      For my patients with laryngospasm, I have recommended Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium for many years with very good success.
      I recommend two twice a day for my patients with laryngospasm. This is also a very popular and safe dose for mainenance of normal blood levels as part of a good health plan. This often relaxes the bronchial tubes as well. It is best to take regularly to maintain
      good blood levels. In my experience, this usually prevents the episodes from occurring. As a plus, the proper dose and form of magnesium is needed in over 300 known, and very important, biochemical
      functions in the body.
      Please keep me updated on your progress!
      Dr. Maxwell

    • Hello,

      Thank you for sharing your experience. I understand how frightening it is.
      Many probably wonder if they suffer alone, but laryngospasm is quite common.

      Please let me know how the Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium protocol helps you, as it has many.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  6. I started with a dry cough weeks ago in a Sunday, by Wednesday I stared feeling mucus in my chest. Thursday the cough was accompanied by spitting mucus every time I cough. By Saturday I was waking up full of mucus that I had to cough to expel, and was choking after each cough, very frightening, but I figured I had more mucus build up while I was asleep. Well be the following Wednesday I stared having these” attacks” every time I cough up mucus, couldn’t breathe, feeling like I’m choking, so I went to the ER they said I had Acute Bronchitis viral since I caught it from daughter who had Bronchitis 3 weeks prior to me getting it. I received a respiratory breathing treatment and was given 3- 50ml. doses of Steroids to take over the next 3 days and a prescription for an Albuterol Inhaler. Took all the meds and by the following Saturday night I was up at 1:30am coughing, then choking, then wonder of wonders I m vomiting, and have no control to stop it. Panicked because I was literally on my knees in the floor an gasping for air, just like in the video above. My husband took me back to the ER Sunday night, I had chest ex-ray, blood work, EKG, oxygen test, everything came back normal. I was given another Respiratory breathing treatment and 40 minutes later still at the ER another coughing spell and the choking, unable to breathe. The Doctor gave me a shot of Steroids that he said with what I had already been prescribed, would be the equivalent to 6 days worth of Steroids, which is supposed to relax the lungs and help with the cough, he also prescribed Mucinex D , and a different Inhaler that I don’t have to suck in the meds, which I cant do when I’m gasping for air. Also he prescribe zpac even though this is supposed to be a Viral case of Bronchitis. I have taken the inhaler every 6 hours so far, when I’m not choking, and honestly I still feel like I am dying when I have the cough accompanied with mucus. I have been sleeping in a recliner and last night my husband purchased me a a moist air humidifier with Vicks, and I was still up ever hour to hour an a half, coughing/choking. I’ am at my wits end, afraid to be left alone or drive, because I’m worried about passing out. Do you think taking your magnesium supplements will help me? I ‘am desperate and at this pint would eat dog crap if I thought it was proven to stop me losing my breath and gasping for air like a fish out of water. What would you recommend, as not to many Doctors here seem to have a clue how to treat me.

    • Hi Gina,

      I am sorry to hear about all you have been through. In my opinion, the symptoms you are having are related to your
      recent infection. Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium is often used to relax bronchial tube smooth muscle as well,
      so I often use it along with other treatments for the symptoms you are experiencing.

      However, as your symptoms are severe, I recommend visiting another ER. Your condition may require hospitalization.

      Please keep me posted on your progress.

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  7. Thank you so much Dr.Maxwell for posting this. I feel like i have hope now and that i am not crazy. it used to happen to me when i was 19, it went away and i guess i forgot about it. im 25 now and it happened at work the other night. i was walking through the door and bam! thought i was choking on air so i tried to cough it out and my throat stopped working. i could not breath at all. gasping for air and flipping out. i was making that awful sound in that video, heart pounding, and getting very lightheaded. i was thinking to myself, im really going to die right now, right here in this pizza shop. i tried to calm down, and about 1 minute later i was able to get minimal air and feel alive again. i was shaking, sweating, heart pounding, about to cry. it was the scariest thing that i have ever experienced. and then it all came back to me that it used to happen….but never this bad. im going to purchase both of what you recommended and i hope it helps!

    • Hi Savannah,

      Thank you for contacting me and sharing your story as well. I understand how frightening laryngospasm is.
      The proper dose and type of chelated magnesium, as found in Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium,
      has helped many over the years. I believe it will help you as well.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  8. Dr. Maxwell,

    Thank you for your excellent explanation of what a laryngospasm is. I had my first terrifying episode two weeks ago at age 50 and my GP thought it was anaphylaxis so he sent me to an allergist. Thankfully the allergist was familiar with laryngospasm. And I tested negative for all common allergens. The allergist mentioned that there is a host of irritants that can precipitate an attack and I’m wondering if you would be able to share others that you know of? Specifically he mentioned red wine, MSG, preservatives in deli meat, vinegar, pepper, caffeine.

    Also that people who suffer from this tend to have highly developed senses of smell which certainly describes me. I can tell if my husband had garlic for lunch as he walks in the door at night.

    After reading your website I will go back on my magnesium supplement starting tomorrow!

    • Hi Becky,
      Thank you for the kind words! I am sorry to hear about your episode. I know how terrifying it is!
      Taking the proper form and dose of Chelated Magnesium should help prevent future episodes.

      There are several triggers, but I believe the underlying cause as to why the larynx so commonly has a “hair-pin trigger” often lies in a magnesium deficiency.
      Muscles that would not normally go into spasms do so quite easily if a magnesium deficiency is present.

      I will be writing more on this topic in the near future. I invite you to join our free VIP membership which includes a weekly newsletter as well as product
      discounts so folks can buy the best targeted, professional grade nutritional products at the lowest prices.

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  9. Bill, so good to know I’m not the only one with these episodes . I have been to family Dr. –ent–test ran also & so far seems be getting worse . I appreciate this info & will try the magnesium ! Thanks dr. Maxwell

  10. I have noticed this problem to be worse when consuming chocolate. Can caffeine and theobromine be possible triggerd of LS?

    • Hello Kevin,
      They can cause laryngospasm through their ability to cause acid reflux up into the larynx.
      Dr. Maxwell

  11. Dr Maxwell,
    I have suffered from this since I was 10 years old. I am now 63. I didn’t know what it was until a few years ago. Fortunately it only happens a couple of times a year, but it still scares me every time, even though I know it will eventually pass. I had an episode last night. I have been unwell with a throats infection for the last week, so maybe this triggered it. Last night for the first time, immediately after the episode I developed the most painful headache that pounded in my head with every pulse beat. I could barely move and the pain was unbearable. It took some minutes to settle but I felt unwell and exhausted for the rest of the evening. I woke this morning and still had a headache but it is much better now. I have been taking magnesium for several months, so will keep doing so.

    • Hello Sue,

      Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you discovered the cause of your throat issues and are now using magnesium.
      Hopefully, you are using chelated magnesium for optimal absorption and therapeutic blood levels!

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  12. Hello,

    I have been having laryngospasms from acid reflux / possible hiatus hernia for the past 6 weeks. I am taking omeprazole 20mg for the acid reflux. I am very hoarse because of the acid having burnt my windpipe/vocal chords. Is Chelated magnesium ok to take with this medication? Other meds i take are Sertraline/ amitriptyline/loratadine.
    Sam, Oxford, United Kingdom

    • Hello Ms. Tomlin,

      In my experience with many patients over the years, I have found chelated magnesium to be safe and effective while taking these medications.

      I always recommend that each individual discuss any supplements they are considering taking with their personal physician.

      Magnesium is crucial to good health, and is required in over 300 known enzymatic reactions in the human body. Most are deficient in this
      mineral, so additional supplementation is very important. There are several forms of magnesium supplements on the market. Most are not well absorbed by the
      GI tract. Throughout the years, I have found this form of chelated magnesium to be the most completely and rapidly absorbed, as measured by RBC magnesium levels.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  13. Your information & amazing video is the most concise information I have ever read. I have had larynx spasms for 35 years. One helpful motion I use during the strider part of an episode is to pant heavily like a dog. Push the tongue way out and hanging it down toward the chin and push that little bit of air you have on that breath out in a pant. This pose relaxes the muscles in the throat for me.

    • Hi Ms. Harbaugh,
      Thank you for your kind words. I certainly appreciate your input about the maneuver you have found helpful.
      I believe it will help many!
      Warmest regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  14. Thank you for providing this helpful resource – I finally have a NAME for this frustrating condition that I occasionally experience! I will definitely work to increase my magnesium levels to see if that decreases their frequency. I have read that (in addition to supplements like you’ve promoted) applying magnesium directly to the skin can help with absorption – directly at the cellular level. Do you have any advice that you could share with us, Dr. Maxwell, about a topical product’s role in increasing they body’s magnesium levels?

    Also, I have also learned that many surgeons / anesthesiologists are familiar with a technique called the “Larson Maneuver” that involves applying pressure to a particular spot between the ear and jaw during a patient’s laryngospasm. This also sounds like a great tool to know for self-care at home, but I would need a more “novice level” set of directions to fully understand how to do this. Does anyone here have any resources that they’d be willing to point us to for this? Thanks!

    • Hello Rebecca,

      Thank you for the kind words! I am glad to be of help.

      Topical forms of magnesium can be very good, but absorption varies widely depending on the patient’s skin type, quality of product, applied dose, and surface area and location of application. The best way to know if they are working is to get an RBC magnesium test. This checks the cellular level, not serum level which is usually done as part of a chemistry or metabolic profile. When a regular serum magnesium is ordered, it will be almost always be normal, as 99% of magnesium is at work in the cells, not the serum.

      In my experience, the best way to achieve a normal cellular level is to take 400-600 mg. of balanced, professional-grade, chelated magnesium orally on a daily basis. RBC cellular blood testing shows this raises magnesium levels to normal in the vast majority of patients.

      The Larson Maneuver is excellent. As you mentioned, it is used mostly by doctors in the operating room who are intubating a patient, which sometimes causes laryngospasm. There are some good videos on youtube showing how to properly perform it. It would be useful to know for home use. Our article is being updated to include it.

      In my experience with patients, those who have a therapeutic cellular level of magnesium will almost never have laryngospasm, so they have very little need for it. That’s the great thing about therapeutic cellular levels of magnesium! It can prevent almost all episodes of laryngospasm and address 300 other body functions/metabolic pathways at the same time.

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  15. YOu are awesome! THank you so much for the video, the info and the comments… I am not alone and it will get better according to your site 🙂 I almost past out last night from them so I have 911 on speed dial while I am home alone for Spring Break. I went to the ER my first sever episode and Dr was not so knowledgeable…(hyperventilating in my sleep he diagnosed)

    • Hi Danielle,
      Thank you for the kind words. I am glad you are OK!
      I hope you begin Diamond Nutritionals’ Chelated Magnesium ASAP!
      Dr. Maxwell

  16. Dr. Maxwell, this is lots of good information. I had a really bad attack last night, I’m recovering from the flu. Like Sue, it followed by a severe headache behind my eye and the left side of my throat felt swollen. The headache lasted all night but it subsided in the morning. I will take chelated magnesium starting tonight. You are a blessing.

    • Hello Bell,

      Thank you for the kind words!

      I am so glad to hear you are doing better and will be taking Diamond Nutritionals’
      Chelated Magnesium. I believe it will help you in many ways, as it has for so many.

      Please keep me updated on your progress.

      All my best,

      Dr. Maxwell

  17. I am so glad that I found this webpage. I have been suffering with a number of colds for around six months which has resulted in coughing continuously. I have been to my GP who thinks it is just a virus which needs time to work out. I was prescribed an inhaler also a steroid nasal spray which doesn’t have much effect.
    Last week I contracted yet another cold (still suffering with the previous colds and phlegm in the back of my throat). While I was sleeping yesterday I awoke and I couldn’t breathe, gasping for air and making an awful squealing noise trying to breathe this episode lasted a minute or two and was very frightening, in fact I thought I was going to die.
    After researching into the symptoms of “Laryngospasm” this seems identical to the condition that I experienced.
    Can Laryngospasm be caused just by the after effects of a cold especially with the build up of phlegm? and not to do with acid reflux which appears to be the most popular cause of this.
    Is it wise to continue using an inhaler pump and a nasal spray because I believe I have possibly been been misdiagnosed. Or any other advice would be gratefully appreciated for the treatment of Laryngospasm if it’s caused by a cold virus?

    • Hello Mr. Lewis,

      In my experience, symptoms such as yours may be due to a bacterial infection such as mycoplasma. Viral respiratory infections generally
      do not persist longer than a week or two.

      Please be sure to ask your doctor about antibiotic therapy, which is often needed to clear a longstanding infection such as this.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  18. So thankful I found this website. I have desperately been searching for help with what may be laryngospasms that have just started occurring in the past few weeks. I would like to know if you can relate stopping the antidepressant, Paxil, to having these spasms. Mine started after finally weaning off the Paxil completely. I do have GERD/acid reflux, anxiety, and sinus drainage especially at night. I get these choking sensations while asleep and awaken gasping for air. You mentioned above that it is possibly from magnesium deficiency. This is of great interest since I also have been having severe muscle stiffness since stopping the Paxil as well. I would love to hear your input. I take a Centrum vitamin daily which has some magnesium in it. I have never been found to be low in magnesium before. I am taking Prevacid for the reflux and an allergy tablet daily for the nasal drainage. After I have one of these episodes, the next day my throat is scratchy and feels like it has a lump in it and sort of inflamed, like swollen feeling. I am constantly feeling like I need to clear my throat. My esophagus feels like when you have an upper respiratory problem and I have to take deep breaths quite often throughout the day and will occasionally hear a slight wheezing sound in my chest. So far, the spasms have only happened at night while lying on my back, but sleeping elevated. I would greatly appreciate your input. Do you think taking the magnesium chelate would help me? My internist said if things don’t calm down I would need to get an endoscopy. I am thinking I might need to see my ENT. Help! Don’t know which direction to go. I am about at my wits end with this and would like to know what else I can do to stop it.

    • Hello Sonja,

      It is possible that stopping the Paxil contributed to your laryngospasm.
      Please remember that most folks who have had their magnesium level checked have had the serum test. This is the one which is often done as part of a chemistry profile during a checkup.

      It does not tell what the cellular magnesium level is. That must be measured through an RBC magnesium test, which is easy to do. As most are deficient in magnesium, especially if having laryngospasm, I recommend taking 2 Diamond Nutritionals’ 3-in-1 Chelated Magnesium twice a day. This quickly raises the cellular/tissue levels back to normal.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  19. Hello Dr Maxwell and thanks for your detailed explanations. I present the symptoms and can now hardly fall asleep before a spasm wakes me up in terror with a closed larynx. It started after contracting a bronchitis. Coughing also shuts off my larynx. Last week, the throat did a o inflammation of the larynx but that I was having acid reflux. My doctor suggested to see a stomach specialist for gastric fibroscopy to see how much reflux I producece. Considering when i’m under general anesthesy I will have the tube in my larynx are there chances that I might have a spasm then? And does the fibroscopy increase my chances of having spasms in the days after? After my visit to the throat specialist last week, my condition worsened. Thanks a lot for your reply

    • Hello Ms. Homsi,

      Undergoing intubation or EGD can increase the chance of laryngospasm, both during and shortly after the procedure.

      In my experience, I find that my patients can avoid this through optimizing their cellular magnesium levels. To accomplish this,
      I recommend taking 2 Diamond Nutritionals’ 3-in-1 Chelated Magnesium. This will optimize magnesium at the cellular level and may be measured by ordering an RBC magnesium. A serum magnesium, the one which is frequently ordered through regular blood chemistry profiles, will not reveal true tissue/cellular levels.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  20. Hi Dr. Maxwell! You have helped me SO much! I have had Laryngospasm off and on my whole life! Much more so in the last 6-7 years. I sound just like the person in the video. Very terrifying, as you stated. My worst episode was about 6 years ago while at a picnic. I saw somebody I recognized, got excited…called their name while a little saliva traveled down my throats in the wrong way. My husband was walking right in front of me at the time. I had to sit, try to calm down, etc. People were crowding around me asking me what was wrong, and of course, I could not speak. It was awful! They almost called the ambulance, but then I slowly came out of it. That’s the longest one I have ever had. I started to research it, and found your site. My doctor didn’t even know what it was. Anyway, stress seems to be the thing that brings mine on. I get, I guess, overly excited when around people. I love people, and I guess that’s why. Anyway, I have to be very careful while eating with other folks. I have to consciously stay calm. I started taking the Chelated Magnesium a couple months ago. It has been almost a year since I have had a episode! I’m SO happy I found you! I no longer live in terror because of this disorder! Thank you!!!

    • Hi Laurie,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad to be of help, and so glad you have found relief!
      I wish you the best of health!
      Warmest regards,
      Dr. Maxwell

  21. Dr. Maxwell.

    Thank you most kindly for your Magnesium recommendation! Our 8 year old son had regular episodes and now has not had ONE since we have started a Magnesium regimen. A relief to concerned parents. Most importantly, you can imagine the stress that he would have experienced having them at such a young age and the stress plus medical procedures from which he can now simply walk away!

    • Hi Dee,

      Thank you for the kind words and update about your son since he started taking 3-in-1 Chelated Magnesium.
      I am so glad to hear your son is doing great. I certainly understand how stressful and frightening laryngospasm

      It is always wonderful to be able to cure conditions such as this naturally and safely without drugs or surgery!

      I wish you all the best of health!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  22. Thank you for the advice about magnesium. It took me a long time to work out I had throat spasms but seemed to be brought on by hot drinks as i used to have extra hot so to control i have almost cool coffee etc for the past 2 years. I had a sudden onset yesterday. I thought it had something to do with the temperature and I pulled over took jacket off, opened the window and starting breathing deeply and it subsided but before that my hands went to jelly etc. and whole body weak. very scary driving son to school. I usually have it under control but when I have a few sips of hot drink, soup or something by accident seem to have a problem. would this be right?
    thanks anne in Australia.

    • Hello Anne,

      Yes, different things can be a trigger for laryngospasm. In my experience, the larynx is super-sensitive in many due to
      magnesium deficiency. This is usually the underlying cause. This is easy to correct if one takes Triple Chelated Magnesium as outlined in this article.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Warmest regards,

      Dr. Maxwell

  23. Hi,

    I’ve had this for a while. But mine is exacerbated because I smoke cigarettes.
    Currently I’m reading a book about darkness meditation, literally being in pure dark. I just reclined myself with a shirt for a blindfold, dark room. I noticed after about thirty minutes my throat was feeling completely relaxed. I could swallow without being a freak (lol) and sensed the nerves calming down… almost to a fresh state not experienced since being a kid.

    I hope this helps for someone. If you really think about it, the mental stress in today’s world is preposterously rampant. In our own lives we probably don’t realize how fast we’re moving, troubled thoughts… it all adds up and there’s almost no respite.

  24. Was just diagnosed with this today. So excited to finally have an answer to the extremely scary episodes that would occur a few times a year while I sleep for the last 15 years. It took my own fear of sleep apnea to get a sleep study and finally an accurate diagnosis. My doctor believes it to be reflux and his suggestion was to consume all food and drink at least 3 hours before retiring for the evening. My question is this, if he is accurate and it is reflux spilling out of the esophagus and into the windpipe, would magnesium do anything different, or would the bile touching the vocal cords cause the spasm regardless of the magnesium levels present in my overall system.

    • Hi Scott,

      That’s a great question! In my experience, if magnesium levels are normal with proper supplementation as outlined in the article, spasm should not be a problem.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell

  25. Hi Dr.Maxwell,
    I am thankful to you,seen your video & elaborate description of this painful condition I suffered several times during the last around 2 months. I have gone through ENT/chest & pulmonary experts but got little relief, problem is still persisting, your helpful suggestions may hopefully get rid off me, I have ordered chelated Mangnesium HealthVit brand from Amazon, would you please recommend it? apart from this I am taking glysephage(metformin) SR-500 for sugar&Nabicard 5mg for BP.
    Thanks, Sincerely,
    Z A Farooqui

  26. What a great website for clarity of information on this subject.
    Having always had a time with colds since childhood, accompanied with post-nasal drip, it has only been the last three years (now age 67), that I now get Laryngospasm after a cold has receded. I would like to offer two personal observations.
    Laryngospasm only occurs, at least for me, when getting over a cold, AND only when I sleep nightly in a recliner. (keeping one’s head elevated is a must for post-nasal drip sufferers). It never occurs standing or sitting upright.
    Secondly, having a pacemaker implanted at age 41, my cardiologist was very alarmed two years ago, when the device showed, in it’s memory, that my heart had stopped during a severe episode of Laryngospasm. My spasms usually last about 10-15 seconds (3-4 repetitive uncontrollable coughs), and if I go to a fifth cough, I get severe facial pressure, and a feeling of a hot flash. That severe episode was the trigger for my heart to stop.

  27. I’ve had these episodes for as long as I can remember , I’m 56 , I was told I had asthma which I always doubted , I’ve only ever had the dreadful experience of being woken by these terrifying episodes and occasionally during the day , they arrive with no warning , mine are most!y triggered by cold viruses but not solely . I cried when I found your site , I thought I was alone .Thank you Doctor doesn’t cover it , starting magnesium today , eternally grateful , Linda Harris

    • Hello Ms. Harris,

      Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad to be of help!

      Please keep me posted on your progress.

      I wish you the best of health!

      Dr. Maxwell


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