How to Make Health Conscious Connections on Social Media

health conscious social media

Research shows that social interaction influences your health. And, as I’m sure you’re aware, the heart of social media is making connections with others. Each social media channel offers different ways to connect, and sometimes a different focus. For example, Twitter is more news oriented whereas Facebook is more about sharing the details of your life. But from Linkedin to Snapchat, they all afford great opportunities for discussion, learning, and making health conscious connections. Many people find them great fun as well!

If you are reading my blog, it’s likely you’re interested in knowing more about integrative medicine, nutrition and good health. Social media conversations can be a great resource and you will enjoy yourself along the way.


Health Conscious Connections on Twitter

Are you one of those who says they “just don’t get” Twitter? If so, you’re missing out on a treasure trove of information on fitness, integrative medicine, nutrition news, diet research and healthy living.

Twitter benefits you the most if you engage in conversations there. However, if you feel self-conscious conversing with strangers, you can still benefit greatly by just reading other people’s tweets. In fact, some users do just that–they have a Twitter account to read the latest news and get the scoop on whatever interests them most.

For starters, try following my account, @craigamaxwell for updates and information about natural medicine.

I also have a Twitter list you can subscribe to: Natural & Holistic Living. Twitter lists are accounts that users group together to make it easier to read all the tweets from people who share a common interest. For example, the Integrative Nutrition Twitter account, @NutritionSchool, has 20 Twitter Lists, including Recipes, Doctors & Experts, and Health & Wellness News.

In most cases, you can read the tweets on those lists without even having a Twitter account of your own. Although you will have a better experience from having an account, because then you can ask questions and chat with experts.

Ready to take the Twitter plunge, or already there but not sure how to find health and nutrition accounts to follow? Here’s a great list to get you started, “The Top 100 Health-care Related Twitter Accounts to Follow in 2017.”

Another great way to keep up with the latest integrative medicine news on Twitter is by searching for hashtags like #integrativemedicine. If you search for a hashtag in Twitter’s search box, you will see all the recent tweets that include it. Some great hashtags to search also include #nutrition #healthyeating, #holisticmedicine, #naturalmedicine and #wellness.


Making Health Conscious Connections on Instagram

Another vibrant network brimming with natural medicine, healthy living news and inspiration is Instagram. Your strategy here will be similar to using Twitter. You can access a great deal of pertinent information via hashtags and there are an abundance of great accounts to follow, especially if you’re looking for nutrition ideas and fitness tips. Here’s a list of “The 26 Best Wellness Accounts to Follow on Instagram” from The Cut.

If you’re seeking more than inspiration and information, and looking to make actual connections, remember that on Instagram (as on all social media), the best way to connect is to engage. Hit “like” on the posts you enjoy, leave comments, join in discussions, and ask questions.


Making Health Conscious Connections on Facebook and LinkedIn

Facebook and LinkedIn are obviously very different–the first is about your personal life and friends and family, while the second focuses exclusively on your professional side and career network. However, they both offer a great way to make new connections and garner new information in the fields of nutrition, natural medicine, and healthy living by joining Groups.

Join a Facebook or LinkedIn Group to connect with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of experts, interested observers, researchers, and others who share your passion for good health.

On both LinkedIn and Facebook there are closed groups and those open to anyone. The latter are easy to join. Search for a topic you’re interested in and then join any open groups you find.

The best way to join a closed, or private, group is by invitation. First, ask your friends, family and work connections if they can recommend any groups. They may well be members of a closed group and able to invite you. The next way is to find the group on your own through searching relevant topics and then sending a “request to join.”


The Rewards of Social Media Health Conscious Connections

healthy social media

Even if you’re only active on one social media network, if you seek out information and people in the realm of natural medicine, nutrition, and wellness, there are enormous rewards waiting for you.

In addition to staying up-to-date with the latest health news, you can join a community of people who share your interest. This could lead to peer support, greater motivation to live a healthy lifestyle, inspiration to be more active, and greater knowledge of preventive care.

As with anything, avoid overdoing it. Use social media to learn, connect and even de-stress. But when too much information overwhelms you, take a break!


Photo credits:

  • Dean Drobot /
  • Rawpixel /


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