Fun Facts About Strawberries


The small red berries that summer gives us are more than just a delicious fruits, strawberries are quite interesting and a healthy food choice. Here are some fun facts about strawberries that you may not have known.

False Fruit

Strawberries are classified as fruit, but they are actually a false fruit. The seeds that cover the exterior of the strawberry are the actual fruit, the berry is just the host for the seeds.

Member Of The Rose Family

Strawberries belong to the rose family and grew wild before being domesticated in 18th century. In 18th century Europe, the wild and tiny berries were cross pollinated to create the large, domesticated strawberries that we enjoy today.

In some areas of the country strawberries still grow wild. They can be found in early spring, growing wild in the southern landscapes. The tiny, wild strawberry packs a more intense flavor than it’s larger, domesticated cousin.

Strawberries Grow Everywhere

Domesticated strawberries are grown in every state across the country, from the commercial strawberry farms of California to the backyard strawberry patches and container gardens found in many backyards.

Where’d The Name Come From?

The name “strawberry” originated by the plants growing habit. A strawberry plant grows and multiplies by “strewing” runners that travel low to the ground, form roots and create a new strawberry plant.

Healthy Fruit

Strawberries are a powerful antioxidant and rich in vitamin C. A recent study revealed that strawberries are the third most powerful antioxidant food (blackberries and walnuts top the list of antioxidant rich foods) and eight strawberries contains more than 100% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin C.

Strawberries are versatile in serving ideas, fun to eat, fun to learn about and just plain good for you. So pile summer’s healthy fruit, strawberries, on top of everything.