How To Treat Yeast Infections Naturally


by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell

Do you get yeast infections all the time? Do you suffer from any digestive disorders? How about food allergies, fatigue, diarrhea, unexplained muscle pain, itchy skin, or constipation? All of these symptoms may be indicative of a health disorder known as chronic candida.
In patients who have this syndrome, the normal yeast in their bodies grows and becomes systemic, causing myriad symptoms. This article will explain the signs and symptoms of chronic candida and offer practical solutions you can implement at home today.

Why Do You Get Yeast Infections all the Time?

Candida albicans is a type of bacteria that lives naturally in the gut, vaginal tract, mouth, and skin. When this natural yeast is in balance with other living bacteria in your body, all is well. However, when candida grows out of control and gets into the bloodstream, serious illness can result. This overgrowth of candida is called candida yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis.

The most common causes of candida overgrowth are:

  • Prolonged Antibiotic Use

For example, a child with a history of chronic ear, nose, and throat infections may spend the better part of their childhood on and off antibiotics. Since their tendency toward chronic illness indicates a weak immune system and low gut bacteria in the first place, the antibiotics only succeed in killing off more healthy bacteria and further weakening the immune system. The antibiotic may fight off the infection but it leaves the immune system chronically weakened and susceptible to attacks from both outside and inside the body.

  • Chronic Use of NSAID Pain Relievers

Chronic use of NSAID pain relievers such as ibuprofen can wreck havoc on a sensitive digestive system. Taken too often, these drugs wear small holes in the intestinal lining, allowing minute particles of food to leak into the blood stream. This is a condition called ‘leaky gut syndrome’ and can lead to the development of chronic candida.

  • Immunosuppressive Drugs

Immunosuppressive drugs commonly used to treat organ transplant patients and those suffering from autoimmune disease may also cause chronic candida. Any drug that suppresses natural, healthy gut bacteria for long periods of time can contribute to yeast overgrowth.

  • Diet High in Processed Foods and Sugar

A diet high in processed foods such as refined grains and sugars feeds the yeast in your body and causes it to overgrow. Processed foods also contain little to no nutritional value. When you fill your gut but do not nourish your body, you’re building the perfect environment for yeast.

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Another way to quickly deplete the healthy bacteria in your gut is to consume too much alcohol. It’s another way to “feed the yeast” while depleting the “good bacteria” in your gut.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Candida Syndrome

The signs and symptoms of candida are wide and varied. Because of this, it’s often hard for conventional doctors to pin down. As a matter of fact, most traditional physicians do not even acknowledge the presence of this debilitating condition. This can leave patients feeling frustrated and helpless as their condition worsens and health care providers simply shake their heads.

Do some or all of these strange symptoms sound familiar?

  • Oral Thrush
  • Chronic Gas and Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Rectal Itching
  • Headaches
  • Muscle Aches
  • Recurrent Vaginitis
  • Chronic Yeast Infections
  • Brain Fog
  • Mood Swings
  • Depression
  • Low Libido
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Itchy Skin
  • Psoriasis/Eczema
  • Chronic Sinusitis
  • Allergies (Food, Hay Fever, Chemical)
  • Dizziness
  • Bad Breath
  • Poor Circulation

If you’re experiencing five or more of these symptoms and its causes are also familiar to you, you may have chronic candida. The next step to treating your condition is getting an accurate diagnosis.

Getting a Diagnosis

One of the most frustrating factors of living with chronic candida is getting an accurate diagnosis. As I’ve said before, many physicians are simply not trained to properly deal with this condition.

However, there are some medical health professionals that will offer a few tests. For example, a candida antibody blood test can check to see if you’re having an allergic reaction to the yeast your body is producing. A candida stool test can test to see if your yeast levels fall within the normal range. The trouble with both of these tests is they are often inconclusive.

Ineffective tests, frustrated patients, and puzzled physicians are the three primary reasons patients end up in my office. They’re tired of hearing, “It’s all in your head” or “We’re sorry. We don’t know why your blood test results are coming out like this. There’s no reason for it.”

For my patients, I recommend the Comprehensive Stool Analysis CSAP x 3 by Doctor’s Data. It takes the guesswork out of whether or not chronic candida is causing the symptoms they’re experiencing. This stool kit, which you can order online today and take in the privacy of your own home, not only accurately determines whether or not you have chronic yeast, but exactly which strain of yeast it is and which natural remedies are most effective against it! The stool kit doesn’t stop there. It also records digestive enzyme activity, good bacteria levels, and even checks for parasites, a common factor in the development of candida yeast syndrome.

How Diet Helps – What to Eat and What to Avoid

As previously discussed, diet has a lot to do with getting yeast infections all the time. Here is a quick list of the foods to avoid and the foods to eat when treating candida.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Sugar (Any Kind)
  • Fruit (Lemon and Lime is Okay)
  • Gluten Grains (Wheat, Barley, Rye)
  • Condiments
  • Mushrooms (Medicinal Mushrooms Excepted)
  • Legumes
  • Alcohol
  • Cured Meats (Bacon, Pepperoni)
  • High-Mold and Processed Cheeses (Blue Cheese, Velveeta)
  • Snack Foods and Cakes

Foods to Eat:

  • Organic Meat, Chicken, and Fish
  • Brown Rice
  • Cooked Dried Beans
  • Non-Gluten Grains (Amaranth, Quinoa, Buckweat)
  • Organic Raw or Steamed Vegetables
  • Fresh Herbs (Garlic and Oregano Especially – Great Yeast Fighters)
  • Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Brazil, Cashews, Macadamia, Pumpkin, Sunflower)
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Almond Milk
  • Rice Crackers
  • Plain Rice Cereal

If you’re used to eating processed foods, switching to a whole-food candida diet can seem daunting at first. As your body heals, you may feel withdrawal symptoms as you detox and a healing crisis as the candida dies. Drink plenty of water and get adequate rest. The discomfort will pass and the results will be well worth your efforts.

Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Chronic Yeast Infection

Just as a change in diet can help get rid of chronic candida, so can adding some natural remedies.


  • Pau d’Arco – This herb is a natural yeast fighter that can be taken in tea or capsule form.
  • Garlic – Best eaten raw, the chemical compound allicin is responsible for its potent yeast-fighting properties. Consume some every day.
  • Cayenne Pepper – A natural digestive aid, cayenne pepper can help ease the constipation associated with chronic candida infection as well as knock out the yeast itself.
  • Coconut Oil – One of the most healing oils on the planet, a teaspoon of pure coconut oil taken twice daily can eradicate yeast and heal an inflamed gut.

Essential Oils

  • Oregano Oil – Oregano oil is a volatile oil that can be taken in water to eliminate yeast. The stuff is very powerful so be careful to avoid contact with eyes, skin, lips and genital areas. Take 5 drops in a four-once glass of water and drink through a straw.
  • Lemon Oil – For thrush sufferers, lemon oil can be diluted in water and swished around in the mouth to clear yeast and eliminate bad breath.


  • Probiotic F Ultra-Probiotic Formulaormula, – An absolute essential in your yeast-fighting arsenal. Probiotics with high colony forming units crowd out bad bacteria and reseed your ravaged gut with good.
  • High Quality Vitamin and Mineral SupplementIf you’re currently taking a commercial multivitamin, chances are it’s of little nutritional value. This is because these types of vitamins often contain nutrients which are not easily absorbed by your body. Switch to a high-quality vitamin instead.
  • Diamond Nutritionals Candi-Calm – This product has helped many over the years. Just some of its comprehensive, yeast-eliminating, ingredients include: Boron, olive leaf extract, B vitamins, selenium, copper, biotin, calcium, quercetin, zinc, folate, and aged citrus peel. This product is ideal for the yeast sufferer who needs an effective, yet gentle, solution to their candida.

If you’re getting yeast infections all the time, it is a sign that yeast is growing out of control in your body. Use the above dietary changes and supplements, and you will be able to get the yeast under control. 



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